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Aphasia is a communication disorder caused by damage to the brain. It can affect the ability to speak and write, as well as the ability to understand words when reading or listening. Aphasia is often caused by stroke or head injury.

People with aphasia generally make mistakes in choosing or arranging words into a correct sentence. In addition, people with aphasia also cannot understand what other people say. However, this communication disorder does not affect the level of intelligence and memory of the sufferer.

Aphasia can occur suddenly after a person has a stroke or head injury . However, aphasia can also occur gradually due to a brain tumor or dementia.

Causes of Aphasia

Aphasia is not a disease, but rather a symptom that indicates damage to the part of the brain that regulates language and communication.

One of the most common causes of brain damage that triggers aphasia is stroke. When a stroke occurs, the lack of blood flow to the brain causes brain cell death or damage to the part of the brain that processes language. It is known that around 25–40% of stroke sufferers suffer from aphasia.

In addition to stroke, brain damage due to head injury , brain tumor , or infection in the brain (encephalitis) can also cause aphasia. In these conditions, aphasia is usually accompanied by memory disorders and impaired consciousness.

Diseases that cause a decline in the function of brain cells, such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease , can also cause aphasia. In these conditions, aphasia will develop gradually as the disease progresses.

Symptoms of Aphasia

Symptoms of aphasia can vary, depending on the part of the brain that is damaged and the level of damage that occurs. Based on the symptoms that appear, aphasia can be divided into several types, namely:

1. Wernicke’s aphasia (receptive)

Wernicke’s aphasia or receptive aphasia is usually caused by damage to the left middle part of the brain. This condition, also called sensory aphasia, makes it difficult for sufferers to understand words they hear or read.

Receptive aphasia causes sufferers to provide responses or sentences that are difficult for the person they are talking to to understand.

2. Broca’s aphasia (expressive)

In Broca’s aphasia or expressive aphasia, the sufferer knows what he wants to convey to the person he is talking to, but has difficulty expressing it. This condition, also called motor aphasia , is usually caused by damage to the left front of the brain.

3. Global aphasia

Global aphasia is the most severe form of aphasia and usually occurs when someone has just had a stroke . Global aphasia is usually caused by extensive damage to the brain.

Global aphasia causes sufferers to have difficulty or even be unable to read, write, and understand what other people say.

4. Primary progressive aphasia

This condition causes a gradual decline in the ability to read, write, speak, and understand conversation. Primary progressive aphasia is rare and difficult to treat.

5. Anomic aphasia

People with anomic aphasia or anomia often have difficulty choosing and finding the right words when writing and speaking.

When to see a doctor

Since aphasia is a symptom of a more serious condition, see a doctor immediately if you experience the above symptoms. A doctor’s examination is necessary to prevent the condition from getting worse and prevent complications.

Diagnosis of Aphasia

Diagnosis of aphasia begins with questions and answers about the symptoms experienced by the patient, as well as the patient’s and family’s medical history. Next, the doctor will perform a complete physical examination, including an examination of the nervous system .

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will carry out supporting examinations, such as:

  • Communication assessment
    This examination aims to measure the patient’s ability to write, read, speak, understand conversation, and verbal expression.
  • Brain scans
    Scans are done to detect damage to the brain and its severity. Scans can be done with MRI , CT scan , or positron emission tomography (PET scan).

Aphasia Treatment

If the brain damage is mild, aphasia can improve on its own. However, if the aphasia suffered is quite severe, the doctor will provide treatment.

The method of treating aphasia will be adjusted to the type of aphasia suffered, the part of the brain damaged, the cause of the brain damage, the age, and the patient’s health condition.

These methods include:

Speech therapy

Speech and language therapy aims to improve the ability to read, write, and follow commands. In addition, patients will also be taught how to communicate with gestures or images.

Speech therapy can be done using technology such as computer programs or apps.


Medications for aphasia usually work by improving blood flow to the brain, preventing further brain damage, and increasing the amount of chemicals that are reduced in the brain. One of the drugs used is piracetam .


Surgery can be done if aphasia is caused by a brain tumor. Surgery aims to remove the brain tumor so that aphasia can be treated properly.

Complications of Aphasia

Communication disorders due to aphasia can affect the sufferer’s daily life, including in terms of work and personal relationships. If not treated immediately, aphasia can cause anxiety disorders , depression , and the desire to isolate oneself from the environment.

Aphasia Prevention

There is no sure way to prevent aphasia. The best step that can be taken is to prevent conditions that can cause aphasia. Some of these preventive efforts are:

  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Maintain ideal body weight to avoid obesity
  • Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes per day
  • Keeping the mind active, for example by reading, writing or drawing.
  • Consume complete and balanced nutritious foods , and limit foods high in fat, sugar and salt.
  • Use a helmet or seat belt when driving
  • Seek medical treatment and regular check-ups with a doctor if you suffer from diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and atrial fibrillation , to prevent stroke.

References :

Fridriksson, J., & Hillis, A. E. (2021). Current Approaches to the Treatment of Post-Stroke Aphasia. Journal of Stroke, 23(2), pp. 183−201.
Doogan, C. et al. (2018). Aphasia Recovery: When, How and Who to Treat? Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 18(12), pp. 90.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2022). Strokes. Prevent Stroke: What You Can Do.
National Organization for Rare Disorders (2022). Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex.
National Health Service UK (2021). Health A to Z. Aphasia.
National Institutes of Health (2022). MedlinePlus. Aphasia.
Cleveland Clinic (2022). Diseases & Conditions. Aphasia.
Mayo Clinic (2022). Diseases & Conditions. Aphasia.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2022). Aphasia.
American Stroke Association (2018). Types of Aphasia.
Brennan, D. WebMD (2021). What is Wernicke's Aphasia?
Giorgi, A. Healthline (2022). Aphasia.
Huang, J. MSD Manual (2021). Aphasia.
Stibich, M. Verywell Mind (2020). Use These Reading Material Ideas for Brain Health and Fitness.
Sreenivas, S. WebMD (2022). What is Aphasia?
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