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Alkalosis is a condition where the blood contains too much base or alkali due to decreased acid levels in the body. The cause of alkalosis can be due to decreased levels of carbon dioxide, chloride electrolytes, or potassium.

The balance of acid and base levels is marked by a normal pH value of 7.35–7.45. A pH value that is less than normal indicates that the body has more acid. Conversely, a pH value greater than 7.45 indicates that the body has more base content.

Causes of Alkalosis

The acid-base balance in the body is regulated by the lungs, kidneys, and chemical buffer systems in the body. When there is a disturbance in the acid-base balance , many organ functions can be disrupted.

Alkalosis occurs when the base level in the blood is higher than the acid level. Based on the cause, alkalosis is divided into two, namely:

Metabolic alkalosis

Metabolic alkalosis occurs when the body lacks enough acid, or has too much base. This condition can be caused by:

  • Excessive and prolonged vomiting so that the body loses electrolytes (especially chloride and potassium)
  • The release of stomach acid from a gastric tube as part of a medical procedure carried out in a hospital.
  • Excessive consumption of certain medications, such as diuretics , antacids, aspirin, or laxatives
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Dehydration
  • Kidney disease
  • Adrenal gland disease
  • Consuming too much bicarbonate , such as baking soda
  • Alcohol addiction

Respiratory alkalosis

Respiratory alkalosis occurs when the bloodstream does not contain enough carbon dioxide. A number of conditions that can cause respiratory alkalosis include:

  • Breathing too quickly (hyperventilation) due to panic attacks , pain, lung disease, lack of oxygen in the blood (hypoxia), or aspirin poisoning.
  • Suffering from high fever
  • Have liver disease
  • Living or visiting the highlands

Symptoms of Alkalosis

Symptoms of alkalosis can vary from person to person. However, the most common complaints are:

  • Nauseous
  • Vomiting
  • Numbness in the face , hands, or feet
  • Body feels weak
  • Muscle spasms, cramps, or twitches
  • Tremor
  • Easy to get angry

In some cases, alkalosis can occur without any symptoms at all. However, in severe cases, this disease can cause painful muscle spasms (tetany).

When to see a doctor

See a doctor if you experience the symptoms of alkalosis as mentioned above. Do not delay seeking medical help if the condition worsens or more serious symptoms appear, such as:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizures
  • Irregular heartbeat

Diagnosis Alkalosis

Diagnosis of alkalosis begins with a question and answer session about the patient’s condition. The doctor will ask about:

  • Symptoms experienced
  • Diseases that have been or are currently being suffered from

After that, the doctor will perform a thorough physical examination, followed by the following supporting tests:

  • Blood tests
    Tests performed include blood gas analysis and checking blood electrolyte levels.
  • Urine test or urinalysis
    Detecting alkalosis aims to check the electrolyte and PH levels in urine samples.

Alkalosis Treatment

The treatment of alkalosis aims to overcome the cause and restore the acid and base balance. The following is the treatment of alkalosis based on the type and conditions that cause it:

Metabolic alkalosis

To treat metabolic alkalosis, the doctor will provide fluid and electrolyte replacement through an IV. Meanwhile, in metabolic alkalosis caused by excessive drug consumption, the doctor will ask the patient to stop using the drug.

Respiratory alkalosis

The first action taken by a doctor to treat respiratory alkalosis is to ensure the patient gets enough oxygen. The way to do this is by giving oxygen through an oxygen mask.

In respiratory alkalosis caused by hyperventilation, the patient will be asked to do several breathing techniques. The steps taken include pursed-lip breathing, and inhaling and exhaling from and into a paper bag.

In addition to providing the above treatment, the doctor will monitor the patient’s vital signs, such as body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.

Complications of Alkalosis

Alkalosis can cause complications if not treated properly. Some complications that can occur are:

  • Heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias ), such as a heartbeat that is too fast, too slow, or irregular
  • Imbalance of blood electrolyte levels, such as low potassium levels
  • Come

Prevention of Alkalosis

Prevention efforts for alkalosis are to avoid the causes and maintain body health. Some ways that can be done are:

  • Eating healthy, complete and nutritionally balanced food
  • Eat foods high in potassium to prevent electrolyte deficiency.
  • Drink enough water
  • Limit consumption of caffeinated, carbonated and alcoholic drinks
  • Consult a doctor to reduce the dose of medication used.

References :

Emmett, M. (2020). Metabolic Alkalosis: A Brief Pathophysiologic Review. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 15(2), pp. 1848–1856
Hamilton, et al. (2017). Understanding Acid-Base Disorders. The Ulster Medical Journal, 86(3), pp. 161–166.
National Institute of Health (2021). MedlinePlus. Alkalosis.
Cleveland Clinic (2021). Metabolic Alkalosis.
Healthline (2019). Alkalosis.
MSD Manual (2023). Alkalosis.
MSD Manual (2023). Overview of Acid-Base Balance.
WebMD (2023). What is Alkalosis?
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